Get on Stage

In collaboration with The Sea Of Glass—Center For The Arts, The Musicians' Net gets artists on stage for live performance exposure in Tucson—the second largest city in Arizona.

For our members who are local or can travel to Southern Arizona, the Musicians' Net offers additional benefits regarding exposure and talent development through an established performance venue, The Sea Of Glass—Center For The Arts, in Tucson, Arizona.

Exposure and talent development services include:

  • Performance techniques and style consulting
  • Performance wardrobe and set design recommendations
  • Preferred status for booking performance dates at The Sea Of Glass?Center For The Arts, an established venue in downtown Tucson
  • Promotion and ticketing services for live performances

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Toll Free: 1.866.282.2205

"Musicians need a true brother/sister union of true solidarity. We need to help each other by musicians looking after other musicians."

—The Musicians' Net Founder, Van of Urantia

Let's get talking! No commitment, no hassle, and no tolerance for anything less than excellence! Call us toll free or fill out the form below to get started on a custom service package built just for you.