About the Musicians-That-Need-To-Be-Heard Network

Most musicians are not business minded. They are artists. The Musician's Net membership provides business consultation and management. Most musicians do not understand the business of music, and that a career takes time and nothing happens overnight.

The Musician's Net comes from the visionary outworking of Van of Urantia, a master musician in his own right, who has developed his own service-to-humanity musician support network from the ground up, over the last 40 years. It is his vision that many deserving artists receive assistance and resources to invest in their music careers, to reach their destinies, to bring about the uplifting and spiritually-rich music that is so needed on this planet today.

Global Change Music is what the world needs to hear, music with a message of change in all areas of civilization and artists with a vision, who want to help make those changes through their talents in any aspects of the music industry. From artistic expression to producing and engineering, all should be done for the purpose of serving humanity in some way, not just making money. As a matter of fact, Van hopes that we will live in a world soon without money.

We aim to network with you (the artist) in a way which protects your authenticity, integrity, and allows you to hone your craft?so you can reach the world without compromising your message. If you're not aware of the massive consolidation in media and music, then please know your industry is 90% vertically controlled by three conglomerates: Universal, Warner, and Sony Records. And that means you have about a less than 10% chance of a mainstream music career without them. And the chances of you getting to them is the same.

The Musician's Net is founded on the belief that artists and society deserve greater opportunities and choices in music, so that the artist can become known without the help of conglomerates. The current business model for music must stop and be restructured, and that?s what we?re trying to do. You can be a part of this by signing up with our network today. Let?s do this together.

Let us help you bring your music to the world.

Letter from the Founder

This is a message to all seeking musicians from the Musician's Net founder and master musician Van of Urantia.

" "I wrote my first song when I was about 10 years old and was then singing on street corners, back in my hometown of Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania in the Uptown area.

When I was 12 years old, I brought one of my songs to a downtown radio station office and asked for the DJ and said I'd like to sing my song over the air. They of course laughed politely, tapped me on the head lovingly, and said "Come back kid when you get older."

So I kept on coming back, to radio stations all over the country, as I grew from pre-teen to teen, to my mid-twenties, to my thirties and forties, fifties, sixties, and seventies. (I'm tired just thinking about it!) And they kept tapping me on the head, then saying "Take the spiritual lyrics out of your songs, and we will sign you to that contract and get you airplay."

I had to obtain my own radio station, called KVAN.FM to now get airplay of my music and artists that I believe in, to give them airplay. It was not easy.

It's been a lifelong struggle. I had to produce my first album myself at age 39 and spend my own money to do it. I had to start my own Global Change Media company, my own publishing company, my own record label, my own booking agency, my own venue, and my own state-of-the-art recording studio, because everyone else who wanted to help me along the way wanted me to either compromise or they wanted to own me completely.

So I understand what musicians go through, who basically only want to make a living at their art but can't.

Airplay is important. People have to hear you in order to come out and see you at the local concert you're playing at. And if they don't hear you, you have to advertise in newspapers that charge you an arm and a leg to put a decent size ad in.

And some larger city newspapers, like in Los Angeles or San Francisco or New York, it could cost $15,000 to $30,000 to put a decent size ad in about your concert. Major record labels could pay for this, but not the unsigned artist, and that's the majority of us. Particularly if we don't want to compromise our convictions, we don't get signed.

Today you can't be just a musician, you have to be a businessman.

It's been a lifelong struggle to get my music now heard. So I do want to help global change artists and any artists who have a message they want to get out to the world.

If you're one of those artists, read the rest of this site, and contact the Musicians-That-Need-To-Be-Heard Network. We can help each other.


Van of Urantia

The Musician's Net Business Assets